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Reward Management
Well designed reward strategies provide strong and tangible support for the achievement of business objectives.The two key drivers of business success are effective performance management and differentiated rewards. The evidence is clear; people performance = business results. Top performing companies manage performance well, provide superior rewards for performance, and invest in development.
When you consider that payroll expenses account for up to 70% of total operating expenses it is easy to understand why the management of reward investement is a strategic imperative for the vast majority of organisations.
We offer a number of reward management services including:
• Total Reward Frameworks
Design of Total Reward Frameworks and strategies
• Executive Reward
Design of all types of fixed and variable components
• Cash Remuneration
Design of grading structures, base salary systems and performance
related pay structures
• Incentive and Bonus Schemes
Design, modelling, communications and implementation for managers
and staff at all levels
• Employee Benefits
Design of comprehensive benefit packages to meet business, legislative
and individual needs
• Recognition Schemes
Design and implementation of recognition schemes for sales and other staff
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